Client Journey Home Service

AED 150


  • Health & Safety
  • Identifying Hazards and evaluating risks
  1. Environmental hazards
  2. Equipment and material hazards
  3. Hazards connected with people
  • How can you fulfill your role when noticing a hazard?
  1. Individual responsibility
  2. Organizational responsibility
  • How can I make a difference?
  • Work area hygiene
  • Personal hygiene
    • Personal hygiene checklist
  • The Path to Excellence
  1. The client is looking at you
  2. Brand awareness
  3. Appointment booking
  • Home service set up guide
  1. Welcoming
  2. Service station set up
  3. Departure
  • The Team
  1. The salon employees
  2. How good are you? How to measure and set your own goals

Format: Word Document – 23 Pages