As the salon industry in the Middle East continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve in marketing is essential. To remain competitive, salon owners must adapt to new trends that can effectively capture their audience’s attention and drive engagement. This article highlights key trends that are shaping the marketing landscape, offering practical insights for salon owners to enhance their marketing strategies.

AI in Marketing: Harnessing AI to Generate Social Media Posts, Website Copy, Blogs, and Newsletters

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising marketing across various industries, and the salon industry is no exception. AI tools can generate social media posts, website copy, blogs, and newsletters, significantly improving efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Social Media Posts

AI-driven platforms like ChatGPT or Jasper can create engaging social media content tailored to specific audience segments. For example, a salon owner can use AI to generate Instagram posts that highlight new hairstyle trends, promotions, or client testimonials. These tools analyse current trends, customer preferences, and engagement metrics to craft posts that resonate with followers.

Website Copy

Creating compelling website content is crucial for attracting and retaining clients once they land on your website. AI can help by generating SEO-optimised copy that improves search engine rankings and drives organic traffic. For instance, an AI tool can produce engaging descriptions for services like haircuts, colouring, and spa treatments, ensuring that the content is both informative and persuasive.

Blogs and Newsletters

Regularly publishing blogs and newsletters helps salons maintain a strong online presence and build customer loyalty. AI can streamline this process by generating content ideas, writing drafts, and even optimising posts for readability and engagement. For example, a salon could use AI to create a monthly newsletter that includes beauty tips, product recommendations, and upcoming promotions, ensuring that the content is relevant and valuable to clients.

Reach is the New Social Media Metric to Watch

In the past, ‘vanity’ metrics such as likes, comments, and shares were the primary indicators of social media success. However, these metrics are declining across the board as algorithms and user behaviour change. The new metric to watch is “reach,” which measures how many unique users see your content.

The Importance of Reach

Reach provides a more accurate representation of your content’s visibility and potential impact. Unlike engagement metrics, which can be influenced by various factors (e.g., algorithm changes, timing), reach gives a clearer picture of your content’s actual exposure. For salon owners, focusing on reach can help ensure that promotional efforts are seen by a broader audience, increasing the likelihood of attracting new clients.

Strategies to Enhance Reach

To boost reach, salons should focus on creating high-quality, shareable content. This includes using eye-catching visuals, leveraging trending topics, and posting at optimal times. Additionally, investing in paid promotions on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can help extend the reach of your content to target demographics.

User-Generated Content and Influencer Collaborations: The Future of Content Marketing

In today’s saturated market, traditional marketing strategies like before-and-after images are no longer sufficient. Instead, user-generated content (UGC) and influencer collaborations are emerging as powerful tools to cut through the noise and engage audiences.

User-Generated Content

Encouraging clients to create content is an effective way to build authenticity and trust. UGC includes photos, videos, and testimonials shared by clients who have experienced your services. For example, a salon can create a hashtag campaign encouraging clients to share their new hairstyles with a specific hashtag. Featuring this content on the salon’s social media pages and website not only provides social proof but also fosters a sense of community.

Influencer Collaborations

Collaborating with influencers can significantly amplify your salon’s reach and credibility. Influencers, particularly those who specialise in beauty and fashion, have a loyal following that trusts their recommendations. By partnering with influencers for reviews, tutorials, or takeovers, salons can tap into new audiences and build brand awareness. For instance, inviting a local beauty influencer to experience and review a new treatment can generate buzz and attract potential clients.

Authenticity and Entertainment Over Content Quality

As consumers become more discerning, authenticity and entertainment value are increasingly prioritised over polished, high-quality content. For salon owners, this shift presents an opportunity to connect with audiences on a deeper level.

Embracing Authenticity

Authenticity involves being genuine and transparent in your marketing efforts. This means showcasing real clients, behind-the-scenes content, and honest reviews. For example, a salon could share a day-in-the-life video featuring stylists and clients, providing a glimpse into the salon’s atmosphere and culture. This approach helps build trust and relatability, encouraging clients to engage with your brand.

Prioritising Entertainment

In the age of short attention spans, entertaining content is essential for capturing and retaining audience interest. This can include humorous posts, interactive stories, or engaging videos. For instance, a salon could create a series of fun and informative videos on hair care tips or styling tutorials, ensuring the content is both educational and entertaining. Utilising platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels can help salons reach younger audiences who crave dynamic and engaging content.

Practical Examples and Implementation

AI in Action

Consider a salon that wants to promote a new hair treatment. Using an AI tool, the salon can generate a series of social media posts highlighting the benefits of the treatment, client testimonials, and special offers. The AI can also create blog posts detailing the science behind the treatment and newsletters informing clients about the launch event. This integrated approach ensures consistent and engaging communication across all channels.

Boosting Reach

A salon aiming to increase its reach might focus on creating visually appealing content that encourages shares. For instance, posting high-quality images of unique hairstyles or behind-the-scenes videos of stylists at work can attract more viewers. Additionally, leveraging Instagram Stories and Facebook Ads can help target specific demographics, further extending the content’s reach.

Leveraging UGC and Influencers

To leverage user-generated content, a salon could launch a campaign encouraging clients to post pictures of their new hairstyles with a branded hashtag. The salon can then repost these images, giving clients a sense of recognition and encouraging others to participate. For influencer collaborations, a salon might partner with a local beauty influencer to showcase a new product line, offering exclusive discounts to the influencer’s followers. This collaboration can drive traffic and generate interest among new potential clients.

In the beauty industry we are seeing more brands taking part in collaborations with companies in other retail spaces. Tara Rose Salon (@Tararosesalon) has successfully done collabs with @gymsox_ and art prints by @pop_and_toast to increase engagement and interest and boost revenue streams while supporting other businesses. Remedy Room ( brought in a face fitness specialist to offer their clients an exclusive service that they could sign up for.

Emphasising Authenticity and Entertainment

To prioritise authenticity, a salon could regularly share behind-the-scenes content, such as videos of staff preparing for the day or candid moments with clients. For entertainment, the salon might create a series of humorous videos featuring common salon scenarios or challenges. These efforts not only humanise the brand but also keep the audience entertained and engaged.

The industry is definitely seeing more brands showcase what they are doing in the salon, introducing staff members on video reels and creating light and engaging content. Brands who are doing well in this space include Simplice Beauty Lounge (@simplicebeautylounge) and Stay Flawless (@stayflawlessuae).


The salon industry in the Middle East is poised for growth, and staying ahead of marketing trends is crucial for success. By harnessing AI to generate compelling content, focusing on reach as a key metric, leveraging user-generated content and influencer collaborations, and prioritising authenticity and entertainment, salon owners can effectively cut through the noise and build a loyal client base. Embracing these trends will not only enhance your marketing efforts but also position your salon as a forward-thinking and client-centric business in a competitive market.

A high-pressure environment, long hours, client demands, and sometimes intense interpersonal interactions can all contribute to stress and anxiety among salon professionals. This is true for the global industry as well as for salons in the Middle East.

As a consultant to the beauty industry, VR Beauty Consulting is well-positioned to take a broad view of salons in the GCC and we can confirm that in the current market, the above factors and more need to be addressed, to improve the mental wellbeing of those who work in this space. Significant issues currently affecting the industry include poor treatment by management, low salaries, long working hours, and problems with payment for work done.

For example, we see that it is not uncommon for salons to implement commission schemes with unrealistic targets, making it nearly impossible for employees to achieve their commissions. In some cases, commissions are stopped altogether if overall salon targets are not met, undermining the efforts of those who do contribute significantly.

Job security also remains a major concern for salon staff, as they often don’t receive the pay they deserve or were promised. Many employees are required to work excessively long hours, sometimes up to 12 hours a day, six days a week. This intense schedule leaves little time for relaxation, making it nearly impossible for them to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Another critical issue in salons, which is not often spoken about, is clients’ behaviour. Clients can be very demanding and disrespectful towards salon employees. Unfortunately, management frequently sides with clients rather than supporting and defending their staff. This lack of support from management exacerbates the stress and mental health challenges faced by salon employees.

We have been encouraged to see that since the pandemic, there are some salons who are starting to invest more in their people. For example, some have brought in third parties to offer services like yoga sessions and mental health education classes. These initiatives are aimed at helping employees achieve a more balanced life and to improve their well-being. This is a positive trend that will go a long way toward helping salon employees feel well-supported by management, which will have a positive effect on the industry as a whole.

According to research done by Economist Impact,  the prevalence rates of mental health conditions in the Middle East have remained relatively consistent over the past two decades, however, mental health conditions are increasing as a share of the total disease burden. The burden of mental illness may be further exacerbated in the coming years by the risk factors associated with a young population.

The report shares that mental health is receiving more interest from policymakers, and there are clear signs of progress across the region, however, longstanding barriers remain. These include insufficient human resources to meet mental health care needs, an outdated institutional focus that isolates mental health patients from the community, and widespread mental health illiteracy and stigma.

More salon owners need to get on board to create a more supportive and balanced work environment in the salon industry.

The Harvard Business Review suggests the following ways to support the mental health of your employees, which we fully support.

Be vulnerable

Share your experiences. As a leader, being honest about your own mental health struggles encourages employees to feel comfortable discussing their own challenges.

Model healthy behaviours

Don’t just talk about supporting mental health—demonstrate it. Show your team that it’s okay to prioritise self-care and set boundaries. Share when you’re taking a midday walk, attending a therapy session, or enjoying a staycation (and actually unplugging from work) to prevent burnout.

Build a culture of connection through check-ins

Regularly and intentionally check in with each of your direct reports. Go beyond a simple “How are you?” Ask specific questions about what support they need. Listen attentively, encourage questions, and address concerns.

Offer flexibility and be inclusive

To effectively address issues, you need to understand what’s happening with your team. Avoid assumptions about their needs, as these will vary over time. Take a customized approach to addressing stressors, such as childcare challenges or the pressure to work constantly. Proactively offer flexibility and be as generous and realistic as possible.

Communicate more than you think you need to

Keep your team informed about organisational changes and updates. Clarify any modified work hours and norms. Reduce stress by setting clear expectations about workloads, prioritising tasks, and acknowledging what can be deferred if necessary. Make your team aware of available mental health resources and encourage their use.

Looking forward, the salon industry must address mental health and do what they can to improve their HR processes, become more inclusive of those with mental health issues and do what they can to normalise the topic and educate, as opposed to feeding the stigma. It is possible to achieve these goals and to have a positive impact on the industry as well as the region.

In today’s busy world, where daily demands often overshadow our well-being, taking care of our mental health is crucial. Burnout, stress, and anxiety are common challenges, but they don’t have to control our lives.

This Mental Health Awareness Month, VR Beauty Consulting Founder and CEO Valerie Reynaert shares her journey of self-reflection and intentional boundary-setting, which has helped her prioritise her mental health, since experiencing a burnout in 2019.

“I had to do a lot of work on myself, figuring out why it happened and how I could prevent it from happening again. It was not an easy road, but it was a very insightful and interesting one to walk. Once you have had a burnout, it can still linger inside your body, and you must be careful to avoid letting things get back to that stage. It is very important to work towards finding a balance.”

Reflecting on her experiences, Valerie shares how through honest conversations with colleagues and introspection, she learned the value of establishing positive routines and boundaries.

Establishing a daily morning routine of meditation and setting intentions has been a game-changer for her.

“Every morning, I sit outside and journal and do my manifestations. Recently I did a 30-day challenge on manifesting soul abundance through a private Facebook group (link below) where every day, you were given a subject to think and write about. This morning practice is very much about standing still and thinking about what is it that you want in life. What is it that makes you happy? What will bring fulfilment to your life? It was an eye-opening experience. I also read a verse of the Tao in the incredible book, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, by Dr Wayne D. Dyer and then I meditate. This time every morning makes such a big difference to my mental state,” Valerie says.

When it comes to setting boundaries, Valerie first learnt to recognise external stressors, particularly the impact of others’ actions on her mental state.

“It is important to distinguish between personal responsibility and external influences. By reframing negative interactions and realising that sometimes someone’s behaviour reflects their insecurities, you are empowered to maintain a good emotional balance.”

Valerie’s approach to managing situations like this involves thoughtful reflection before responding so that you can avoid reacting impulsively.

“If you know that you have done what you promised and to the best of your ability, then you can confidently step away and realise that most of the time, people’s reactions have nothing to do with you. If you take it personally it will affect your mental health.”

Valerie highlights further that making time for an activity that helps her to unwind and the simple habit of ensuring that she has enough sleep plays a big part in looking after her mental health. ‘’I try to get to bed by 10.30pm every night. I never set an alarm as I wake up when I wake up, as it is important to give your body and mind the sleep it requires.’’

“Making time to explore the world and to let your mind wander, enables you to come back with a fresh mind, ready to face daily life. To unwind, I make time for diving and traveling. Diving is like meditation for me. You are fully closed off from the world when underwater and the only thing you do is enjoy the beauty of the underwater world. Travelling also takes me out of my usual space and routine, which is so important to do.’’ she shares.

Above all Valerie is a strong promoter of kindness as a catalyst for positive change.

“The impact of a simple act of kindness, such as offering a compliment or smile can be huge and can make a big difference to someone. When you make someone else happy, automatically, you will be happy as well. “

While these may all be small steps, they go a long way to boosting mental health and nurturing positive habits, which help us navigate life’s challenges with resilience.

Here are the resources that Valerie highly recommends for those looking to boost their mental health:

In  the contemporary business landscape, businesses are very aware of the fact that they are not only responsible for generating profits but also for their impact on people and the environment. This awareness has been developing over many years – it started with the drive for corporate social responsibility, which was followed by the Millennium Development Goals and then the Sustainable Development Goals. Today these impacts are known as ESG.

ESG refers to a set of metrics used to measure an organization’s impact on the environment, society and what their governance structures are; and has become increasingly important in investment decision-making over the years.

ESG in the Middle East

Many ESG initiatives have been implemented in the Middle East region in the last few years. However, with the UAE hosting COP28 this year, momentum for ESG and sustainability to be at the top of the corporate agenda in the region has been created.

PriceWaterhouseCooper shares info from a recent survey which shows that companies in the Middle East are responding with increasing vigour to new demands for changed thinking and stronger action on climate issues.

“They are showing greater transparency about how their operations affect the environment, through increased public reporting. And they are adjusting their organisations to put in place a more systematic approach to managing these efforts, including adding senior executive roles with specific sustainability-focused responsibilities,” the report states.

According to the survey 64% of respondents have adopted a formal ESG strategy in the last 12 months and as many are embedding ESG priorities across their organisations. 70% state that they report on ESG, with a quarter doing so in a stand-alone ESG report.

The survey also states that for a growing number of companies in the Middle East, the ESG journey is neither steady nor linear. While all the signs of growing ESG maturity are present, the survey highlights several areas where progress is patchy. Survey respondents report that the lack of adequate skill to implement ESG and funding remain their biggest obstacles currently.

What falls under the ESG umbrella?

The environmental aspect of ESG refers to factors related to the impact of a business on the natural world, such as energy consumption, waste management, and carbon emissions. This metric underscores the necessity for sustainable practices. With growing concerns about climate change, resource depletion, and pollution, businesses are increasingly held accountable for their ecological footprint.

The social dimension of ESG encompasses aspects of how a company interacts with society, including labour practices, community engagement, and diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is important because prioritising social responsibility contributes to employee satisfaction, enhances brand reputation, and strengthens community ties, thereby fostering long-term resilience and goodwill.

Governance focuses on the systems and processes in place to ensure ethical behaviour, accountability, and transparency within an organisation, including board diversity, executive compensation, and adherence to regulatory standards. All the above are essential for fostering trust among investors and stakeholders. Effective governance practices help mitigate risks such as fraud, corruption, and conflicts of interest while promoting accountability and sustainability.

What does ESG mean for the Beauty Salon Industry?

For salon businesses, embracing ESG principles presents several opportunities to not only minimize their environmental footprint but also to foster positive social impact and ensure robust governance structures. Here are some examples of how ESG can be applied to a salon business.


Implementing eco-friendly products: Beauty salons can switch to using organic, cruelty-free, and sustainably sourced beauty products to minimize their environmental impact.

Energy conservation: Installing energy-efficient appliances, such as LED lighting and low-energy hairdryers, can significantly reduce energy consumption.

Waste reduction and recycling: Beauty salons can implement recycling programs for paper, plastic, and other materials used in their operations, as well as encourage customers to bring back empty product containers for recycling or refill.

Water conservation: Installing water-saving fixtures like eco-friendly showerheads, and encouraging staff to minimize water usage during treatments can help conserve water resources.


Fair labour practices: Ensuring fair wages, providing benefits such as paid sick leave, paid leave and paid overtime, and offering opportunities for professional development and advancement to salon employees.

Community engagement: Participating in local events, supporting community initiatives, and collaborating with local charities or non-profits to give back to the community.

Diversity and inclusion: Promoting diversity in hiring practices and creating an inclusive work environment where employees from all backgrounds feel valued and respected.

Customer education and safety: Providing comprehensive information to customers about product ingredients, safety measures, and proper usage to ensure their well-being and satisfaction.


Transparent pricing and policies: Ensuring clear and transparent pricing for services and products, as well as having easily accessible policies regarding appointments, cancellations, and refunds.

Ethical sourcing: Implementing policies to ensure that all products used in the salon are ethically sourced, such as verifying suppliers’ adherence to fair labour practices and sustainable sourcing methods.

Compliance with regulations: Adhering to all relevant laws and regulations governing the beauty industry, including health and safety standards, licensing requirements, and tax laws.

Accountability and oversight: Establishing mechanisms for accountability, such as regular audits, performance evaluations, and feedback channels for employees and customers to voice concerns and suggestions.

In summary, embracing ESG principles is not only a moral imperative but has become a strategic necessity for businesses in the 21st century. If your salon proactively addresses environmental challenges, fosters social responsibility, and puts strong governance practices in place, you will be able to enhance your competitiveness, mitigate risks, and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded – Maya Angelou

As we celebrate female empowerment and the holy month of Ramadan, we would like to focus on the importance of businesses being involved in their local communities and giving back to those less fortunate. 

At VR Beauty Consulting, social involvement has always been at the core of who we are and what we do. Our founder Valerie Reynaert has found great personal fulfilment in her own journey of helping those less fortunate.

Where it all started 

At a time when she was burnt out and feeling overwhelmed, she took a step away from her career and decided to volunteer in Peru. This is where she again found her strength and her focus. From being a teacher’s assistant in a pre-school, volunteering for an organisation that aims to keep children off the streets, and working with the elderly at a Nunnery, to doing research for Operation Wallacea in Mexico by diving as a research assistant and identifying areas that need marine conservation, Valerie found peace and a renewed sense of purpose.

Going forward in her business, Valerie knew that social responsibility was an element she would always prioritise. To date VRBC has given back through involvement in a school in Nepal, training nail technicians who are then given a placement in the UAE. Valerie has also been supporting Ujeli Care Center, an NGO in Nepal, providing healthcare to underprivileged children, and was instrumental in building a toilet in a mountainous region of Nepal for women who did not have access to bathroom facilities during their menstrual cycle. 

The shift towards purpose-driven business 

In an article published by the HLB Global Advisory and Accounting Network, CEO Marco Donzelli highlights that in recent years, the paradigm has definitely shifted from solely focusing on financial gains to emphasising the value of social and environmental responsibility. 

“The public, customers, and even employees now demand more from companies. They seek organisations that not only deliver high-quality products and services but also contribute to the greater good of society. This evolving sentiment has led to the rise of purpose-driven business models, highlighting the importance of community engagement and giving back.,” he says,

Local business seeking to benefit society

On the local front VRBC has seen many inspiring social responsibility campaigns in the last few months.

Essential Salon Dubai (@essentialsalondubai), in support of Breast Cancer Awareness, offered free hair treatments for those clients who were cutting their long locks off, to be donated to make wigs for cancer patients.

Haysam and Hicham Eid, brothers and owners of professional hair tools brand Eideal started an initiative that saw them giving up their first Sunday of every month to give haircuts and share kindness and compassion with labourers from the labour camps in and around Dubai.

Most recently, Collective Haircare (@collective_haircare) and Deena Alawaid (@deenaalawaid) ran a campaign in support of Gaza. The company donated seven days’ worth of their income from services and sales to support the UAE Relief Campaign for people affected by the war in Gaza. They then organized Beauty for PEACE, in collaboration with The Big Beauty Scoop (@thebigbeautyscoop) and Yasmin Subhan (@yasminsubhan_hair), and raised another AED 55,685 in support of Gaza. 

How can your business benefit?

Besides the obvious personal sense of reward, there are many benefits for running a Corporate social responsibility campaign in your business.

These include:

Boosting morale – Helping others makes everyone feel good. When you and your team see the positive impact you’ve made on someone’s life, it lifts everyone’s spirits. Getting involved in local projects lets you see firsthand how your actions make a difference, making you feel even better. Plus, employees respect bosses who give back.

Creating goodwill – Businesses that support community causes often get more support from customers. When you help in your area and donate, it can lead to more people choosing your business and staying loyal to it.


Building team bonds – When your whole team works together for a good cause, it brings everyone closer. Doing something selfless helps colleagues connect in a way that normal work tasks don’t.


Improving your community – Helping local groups makes your community a better place to live and work. This benefits you, your team, and your customers by creating a nicer environment.


Networking – Being active in your community introduces you to important people like local leaders and other business owners. This expands your connections and can help your business grow.


Attracting and keeping good employees – Younger generations, especially millennials, like working for companies that do good things. When your business supports charities, it attracts new employees and keeps current ones happy. Showing you care about helping others says a lot about your company’s values.

“It’s important for everyone to realise that there are so many people in the world who aren’t as fortunate as us. And once you realise that, find a way to support them. Even the smallest contribution can make a world of difference to some people. This is how we can all work towards making the world a better place,” Valerie concludes.


Empowerment is a beacon of beauty, illuminating paths and possibilities for women across the globe. As we honour Women’s History Month throughout the month of March, we reflect on the remarkable achievements and enduring influence of women in shaping our world. At VRBC, this celebration resonates deeply with our ethos, for we believe that empowerment is the essence of beauty.

In our journey, led by the vision of our Founder Valerie Reynaert, we’ve witnessed a transformation in the landscape of the beauty industry. Over two decades ago, Valerie embarked on her career in the beauty salon industry, navigating an industry largely dominated by C-Suite men. It was a realisation that struck her profoundly, considering that the industry primarily caters to women. So, when she established VRBC, she sought not only to bridge this gap but to empower women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams in an industry close to her heart.

“Our slogan, “Where Empowerment Is Beauty,” encapsulates our commitment to fostering extraordinary success for women in the salon business. We believe that true beauty emerges when women are empowered to make choices, raise their voices, and carve out their destinies. In the work that we do we strive to cultivate an environment where women can unleash their full potential, supported by equal opportunities and unwavering advocacy for gender equality,” says Valerie.

“We are fortunate to live in the GCC, an affluent region with a strong economy where there is money to be spent and where the women prioritise beauty and looking and feeling their best. In an emerging market like this there is so much potential and opportunity for women to build their own futures. It is incredible to see the boom that is taking place,” she says.

VRBC is pleased to see that in recent years the GCC region has seen a stronger focus on stimulating and motivating female entrepreneurship as well as a drive to see women educate and develop themselves further. This has definitely impacted the increase in female business owners in the industry. Being part of this booming industry gives us a chance to help a lot of women, to build stronger foundations to grow profitable businesses.

At VRBC, our focus extends beyond merely assisting women in setting up beauty businesses; we aim to equip them with the knowledge and confidence needed to thrive in the competitive market. With decades of experience and a passion for mentorship, we walk alongside our clients, guiding them through every stage of their entrepreneurial journey.

At VRBC one of our main focus areas is helping women to understand how to set up a business and what they can expect the business performance to be. Very often our clients are passionate about the services they offer but they don’t have the business expertise and experience. This is where we come in. We help build their confidence and share our knowledge. With our decades of experience, we empower, support and show them that they are able to do it. We love walking the path and the journey together, as they build their dream.

“Seeing the impact of what we do is very rewarding. When we first meet a client, they have a dream but they don’t know how to achieve it. Months later it is incredible to stand by and watch them on the opening day of their salon. Each success story reaffirms our belief in the potential of women’s entrepreneurship and fuels our dedication to driving positive change,” says Valerie.

Worldwide we are also seeing that the beauty salon industry has emerged as a powerful force in empowering women, offering avenues for economic independence, skill development, and confidence-building.

According to the International Franchise Association (IFA), women own approximately 32% of all franchised beauty salons globally (IFA, 2022). This percentage is significantly higher in the GCC, highlighting women’s significant presence and leadership within the sector.

“As I reflect on my own journey, from a beauty therapist to a business owner, I advocate for staying strong and resilient, emphasizing the importance of gratitude and kindness. I stress the significance of hard work in achieving one’s dreams and encourage others to join supportive communities like Professional Beauty GCC, where like-minded individuals in the beauty industry can connect and collaborate.”

In a world marked by constant change and evolution, we remain steadfast in our commitment to empowering women and fostering a culture of collaboration and empowerment. Together, we celebrate the beauty of empowerment and the endless possibilities it holds for women everywhere.


In the ever-evolving world of salon business, growth isn’t just desirable – it’s essential. With competition intensifying and consumer choice expanding, stagnation is synonymous with decline. But why is growth so crucial for a salon’s success?

First and foremost, we operate in a highly competitive market space that’s becoming increasingly crowded with competitors. Clients today have more options than ever before, making it imperative for salons to continuously evolve and expand to remain relevant. Without growth, a salon risks falling behind its competitors and losing its competitive edge.

Moreover, growth is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. In an industry where skilled professionals are in high demand, salon professionals seek out establishments with a promising future and opportunities for personal and professional growth. A stagnant salon may struggle to attract talented individuals, hindering its ability to deliver exceptional service and stay ahead of industry trends.

Furthermore, the beauty and wellness industry are constantly evolving, with new techniques, products, and trends emerging regularly. Salons that fail to grow risk becoming obsolete, unable to meet the changing demands and expectations of their clientele. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, salons must embrace growth as a strategic imperative.

To simplify the complex question of how salons can accelerate their growth, we’ve broken down our approach into two distinct routes: “Do more with what you have” and “Do something new.”

Do More with What You Have

Route one focuses on maximising the potential of existing resources and investments. Here’s how:

  • Sell More Services to Existing Customers: Prioritise upselling and cross-selling to increase the average spend per client and generate additional revenue.
  • Enhance or Expand Service Offering: Engage clients and increase satisfaction by introducing new or enhanced services, providing seasonal or limited-time offers.
  • Optimise Staff Efficiency: Invest in training to enhance staff skills and productivity, enabling them to perform multiple functions within the salon effectively.
  • Focus on Retail Sales: Maximise profit margins by increasing retail sales, monitoring product performance, and optimising procurement practices.
  • Streamline Bookings: Train reception staff to upsell and cross-sell during booking stages, minimising downtime and maximising revenue opportunities. And makes sure they rebook clients before leaving the salon. 
  • Monitor Key Business Metrics: Track client retention rates, staff productivity, and other vital metrics to ensure optimal salon performance and profitability.


Do Something New

Route two involves exploring innovative opportunities for growth and expansion:

  • Open New Locations: Consider opening new salon locations, either owner-operated or under a franchise agreement, to reach new markets and expand your customer base.
  • Expand Beyond Existing Borders: Explore opportunities for geographical expansion into new cities or countries, capitalising on emerging markets and untapped potential.
  • Diversify Your Offerings: Explore new avenues such as online stores, training programs, product lines, or collaborations with other businesses to diversify revenue streams and attract new customers.
  • Seek Fresh Perspectives: Bring in outside experts to provide insights and recommendations for growth, offering a fresh perspective on your salon’s operations and opportunities for improvement.

You may be asking ‘What should I do next’? 

Well first of all, stop doing what is not working and is not generating a profit. Decide on pursuing route one or route two then set your goals. Do a detailed plan. Discuss this with the team and incentivise your team for those goals. 

Contact VRBC if you want guidance or support. We have done this many times and we can provide you with experience and expertise to help you be successful.

Finally start! Procrastination is deadly, and you can start by taking small steps towards growth.

In conclusion, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to accelerating salon growth. By leveraging existing resources effectively and embracing innovation, salons can unlock new opportunities for expansion and success in an increasingly competitive industry. Whether it’s maximising client engagement, optimising staff performance, or exploring new avenues for growth, the key lies in taking proactive steps to drive continuous improvement and stay ahead of the curve.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the beauty industry in the GCC, the pursuit of growth stands as a fundamental objective for salons of all sizes. As salons strive to thrive in our very competitive market, the ability to measure, monitor, and understand the intricacies of growth is of vital importance. 

Knowing the ‘why’ it is important to measure growth, the ‘how’ to actually do it and exploring and understanding the metrics to measure by, are tools that will help you build a successful, adaptable, and sustainable enterprise.

As a professional beauty business consultancy, VRBC is well-placed to understand and share the tools, strategies, and insights that will help you quantify your success but also plan for the future. Here follows our recommendation for the tools that you can leverage to assess and propel your growth – it is time to unlock the full potential of your business!

Why is it necessary to measure?

If you don’t measure and monitor a few key metrics in your salon, you won’t know when you are heading for a problem or when you possibly have untapped potential, or even if you are excelling and need to look at alternative means of growth. 

When you focus on measuring performance you will soon see the tangible benefits that extend from financial health and operational efficiency and  you will better be able to discern your competitive advantage and how you can leverage that into your business. 

Benefits of performance measurement include:

  • Being able to make informed decisions about resource allocation, investments, and operational improvements.
  • Ensuring that your efforts are in line with the overall strategic objectives.
  • Understanding what is working well and what needs improvement, and then implementing targeted interventions to enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Cost savings and better resource allocation.
  • Providing a clear framework for evaluating individual and team contributions, which can help build a collaborative work culture.
  • Understanding how well you are meeting customer expectations and identifying areas for improvement in products or services.
  • Identifying areas where your salon is exceling and areas where it may lag behind, facilitating the adoption of best practices.
  • Recognising the need to implement proactive measures to mitigate risks and prevent larger problems from arising.
  • Being able to assess the overall financial health of your business. This information is crucial for stakeholders, including investors, creditors, and management, to make informed decisions.
  • By analyzing results, making adjustments, and monitoring the impact of changes, you can adapt and evolve in response to market dynamics and changing customer needs.

So what should you measure?

The specific metrics you use to measure performance in your business will depend on your goals and the nature of your operations. However, there are several common categories of metrics that businesses often use to assess performance. 

  1. Financial Metrics

These metrics include looking at your revenue – total income generated by the business; your profit margins – what is your nett profit as a percentage of revenue; and lastly your return on Investment (ROI) –  the ratio of nett profit to the cost of investment. Equally important is the % Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) – When it comes to retail, UAE market suppliers provide retail margins between 35 – 40%, therefore, COGS should not be more than 60%. 

These calculations will give you a very good understanding of the financial health of your salon.

  1. Client Retention Metrics

Clients are the lifeblood of your business. Knowing whether they are happy is paramount. There are many ways in which you can keep an eye on how you are faring in this space, and they all involve keeping your finger on the pulse of what customers want.

For example, you can call non-returning clients and find out why they didn’t come back. If the client says they had a bad experience, apologise and offer them a free service. If one of your high performing employees leaves, reach out to her clients and tell them she has left and that you will miss them and maybe offer them free services for the next three visits to entice them to stay. In addition you can offer clients discounts or rewards for bringing their receipts back within in a certain time frame

Once you understand where you are there are many ways to improve your scores in this area.

  1. Employee Performance Metrics

Being in tune with your staff is key and all salon owners should consider measuring the following:

  • Employee Productivity – measuring individual or team output relative to input.
  • Employee Satisfaction – completing surveys or assessments to gauge employee morale.
  • Turnover Rate – looking at the percentage of employees who leave the organization within a given period.

Other metrics to consider include:

  • % Cost of Services – The industry average range of % Cost of Service is 10 – 12%, on average 11%. It could be higher if the service prices are lower compared to the prices of other market players and the products used are top brands.
  • Rent %  – this should not be higher than 10% of your revenue
  • Salaries & Benefits % – this should not be higher than 35% of your revenue
  • Sales per SQ foot- should not be lower than AED 2,000 per sqft
  • Retail Sales % – worldwide benchmark is 30%. For the GCC if you reach 15% that’s great – for prime mall locations it should be 30%.

Should you complete your calculations and find that you are unhappy with the performance of your business, there are many factors that can contribute. Whether it be poor administration, poor inventory management or lack of teamwork, there are many ways to fix the issues and get back on the right track.

At VRBC, this is what we do and we are well placed to help you assess your performance and help you improve on it. 

Contact us on to find out more.

Staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage – it’s a necessity in today’s highly competitive beauty salon environment. As the beauty industry continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, salons find themselves navigating through a whirlwind of technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and global market dynamics. 

In this era of constant change, the ability to identify, understand, and quickly adapt to emerging trends has become a vital element of business success. 

Through their daily business dealings and networking with beauty salon owners and operators across the GCC, our founder and CEO, Valerie Reynaert, and her team at VRBC, have a front row seat to these industry conversations and are well positioned to share insights from them. Here are the business trends that they say salons should focus on in 2024!

Training and Skills Development 

By Chante Jacobs, VRBC Training and Development Manager

Trend 1: Multi-functional staff

We are seeing an increased prominence of multi-functional staff within salons, who are able to easily switch between multiple roles within the salon as demands change during the day, week or month. 

These staff members have expertise across various beauty services rather than specialising in just one, making them more versatile and productive. This shift reflects a broader consumer preference for convenience and efficiency in their beauty routines.

Having staff members who can offer a comprehensive array of treatments, positions salons to meet the evolving preferences of their clientele and this approach is fast becoming a cornerstone of success in the beauty industry. 

This trend has even impacted our offering at VRBC, with the development of training programs we now deliver to clients in the GCC,  such as Face Fitness, Maderotherapy and Soft Skills. These play a crucial role in equipping beauty professionals with the diverse skill sets needed to cater to the dynamic preferences of today’s clients.

Trend 2: Every member of staff impacts the brand experience

In 2024, there is a heightened awareness among salon owners regarding the impact of every staff member on the overall brand experience. Salon owners are becoming more aware about the messages conveyed by their staff, recognising that each interaction contributes significantly to the overall perception of the brand.

Salon owners must be mindful of how staff members represent the brand, ensuring that every interaction, whether in-person or online, aligns with the values and image they want to project. This strategic approach not only enhances the customer experience but also contributes to building a positive and consistent brand identity which contributes to the overall success and reputation of the salon.

Marketing & Branding

By Carol Holdsworth, VRBC Marketing Specialist and Preshky Perera, VRBC Branding Specialist

Trend 3: Social Media is dead (unless you do this)

Social media has become the equivalent of a digital magazine. We scroll by posts on automatic mode, and only stop for those that catch our attention in some way. So how do we make sure that our posts get the attention we are looking for?

  • Diversify your content: There are so many different formats of content, from videos to gifs, images to timelapses etc, which can drive interest and stop people scrolling past. Brands who dedicate time and effort to creating the best content they can for social media, will create the ability to stop people scrolling, and engage with their brand. 
  • Quality content does matter: We would zone out if we saw fashion brands all using the same approach to photographing their new collections, so why do we do it in the beauty industry? Take a look for yourself. The images all look pretty much the same!  Have you considered new ways to capture what you do as a salon in a way that feels fresh and new, and most importantly, edited correctly? You can destroy a great piece of content simply by not editing it correctly. 
  • Rethink social media channels: The old favourites of Facebook and Instagram may have worked for you in the past, however, have you considered if your target audience is still there? We see significant adoption and engagement on channels such as Snapchat and Tik Tok, with channels like Instagram showing a decline in year on year growth in 2023, in favour of Snapchat and Tik Tok. Ignoring this trend, could mean you are talking to a slowly emptying auditorium. 
  • Stylists’ own social profiles can boost your salon brand visibility: We have seen across the industry that beauty professionals, stylists and therapists who focus on their own social media presence, will actually give the salon they work with a bump in reach and engagement. This is achieved either by tagging their page in a post, or through collaborative posts, which are shared between profiles. They are free to create the style of content that resonates with their own personal approach, which feels authentic, and the salon leverages this across their own socials by creating visibility for their staff. It’s a win-win. 

Trend 4: A Branding Refresh Can Revitalise your Salon

Consumer tastes evolve, and this is as applicable to branding as it is to our favourite hairstyles or items of clothing. Is your brand evolving with your consumer? Here are some key trends identified by VRBC’s branding expert Preshky Perera. 

  • Bold and minimalist designs: We see an emerging trend of brand designs, as well as designs for customer touch points such as packaging, menus etc, that are bold, clear, striking and with fewer visual elements to distract the eye. Examples of extra elements are florals, script fonts and multiple colours. This minimalist design should not feel stark, but is focused on creating ‘ease of communication’ for the brand and removing the ‘noise’. 
  • Gradients of interest: Multiple colours and layers of elements may be out, but gradients bring the ‘vibe’ and interest to brands that will be considered ‘on trend’ in 2024. Using single colour gradients (think ombre), will maintain the fresh, clean approach of our first branding trend, with the ability to draw the eye to where it matters. Gradients are perfect for social media and digital use, as well as printed media such as menus. 
  • Branding that matters: Branding is not just about a logo or a colour palette. It is about using these elements to create a deep and authentic connection with your audience and to communicate what makes you unique.  Your branding is ‘experienced’ whether physically in a salon space, online on social media or a website, or at home with product packaging. Your branding tells a story and sets an expectation in the mind of the customer.


By Valerie Reynaert, Founder and CEO of VR Beauty Consulting

Many salons, brands and suppliers are taking on board the need to be more sustainable in all aspects of their business. Just this month we have seen salons supporting the international Veganuary campaign, for example. We are also seeing more and more salons focusing on being more sustainable by going plastic-free, using eco-shower heads or solar panels, recycling or buying salon furniture that has been sustainably produced.

Sustainability and its related practices cover an exceptionally broad spectrum and there are many ways to incorporate its principles. The trend that VRBC is highlighting as key for 2024, is the driver behind this topic – the consumer!

Trend 5: Consumers are driving the need for cleaner beauty

In today’s market, consumers are increasingly drawn to products that seamlessly blend sophistication with simplicity.  As individuals have become more conscious of the impact their choices have on the environment, there is a heightened emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable practices. This extends beyond the product itself to include the entire lifecycle, from sourcing ingredients to packaging and disposal. 

Brands that align with these values and prioritise environmentally responsible practices are gaining favour among consumers seeking to make more ethical and sustainable choices in their beauty routines.

The intersection of sophistication and simplicity, paired with a commitment to cleaner and organic formulations, has given rise to a new era in the beauty industry. Consumers are not only looking for effective and high-quality products but also those that contribute positively to environmental and social well-being. 

Managing Talent

By Valerie Reynaert, Founder and CEO of VR Beauty Consulting

Trend 6: It is all about the team

Based on a comprehensive global survey involving 70,000 working adults, it was revealed that 75% of participants in the UAE actively seek new job opportunities while still employed. This highlights a pressing need for employers to establish robust employee retention strategies in order to cultivate a more stable and enduring workforce.

During and after Covid, everyone’s expectations and experiences were turned on their head and it has irrevocably changed the world of work. Employees have different priorities now and are looking for a positive and empowering culture in their workplace.

In response, businesses worldwide, and in the UAE, have implemented employee-centric HR solutions that are based on well-being, physical and mental wellness provisions, and work-life balance. Employee wellness is becoming a key focus of a happy and successful workforce. 

Besides transparency, benefits, and flexibility in their work styles, employees are also looking for training and skills development opportunities. In the beauty industry, change happens overnight and there is always something new for therapists to learn. Salons are uniquely placed and can benefit greatly by making an investment in skills development and offering growth and opportunity to their teams.  

A last point to cover involves workplace diversity. The pool of candidates, particularly in our industry, is not extensive. To be in a position to stimulate growth, salons must not be short-sighted when it comes to looking at talent from abroad. While foreign talent may need to transition to the very high standards of our local industry, with correct training and leadership, salons can build a diverse, formidable and innovative team that meets the needs of the diverse UAE clientele.

In our fast-paced world, where innovation is the currency of competitiveness, businesses that fail to keep a vigilant eye on industry trends risk becoming irrelevant. Don’t let this be you!